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Deanship of Admission and Registration

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About Deanship
The Deanship of Admissions and Registration is the focal point of the University of Hail. It is the student’s gateway to the university, as it is concerned with his educational affairs and cares for him from the moment he is accepted and registered until he graduates from the university. It is responsible for implementing the texts and provisions of the university study and exam regulations, and provides the best services to its students and the university’s faculty and staff. It works to simplify admission and registration procedures and remove obstacles. The deanship seeks to improve all admission and registration mechanisms according to the latest methods and modern electronic systems, with the aim of achieving excellence in the performance of all admission and registration processes and services within a framework that achieves quality, transparency, and justice among students.
The Deanship of Admission and Registration was established with the issuance of Higher Education Council Resolution No. 20/39/1426 AH on 10/25/1426 AH, and Royal Approval No. 2921/MB dated 4/12/1427 AH. The Deanship began its work in 1426 and worked to develop its work so that it is compatible with With the increase in the number of students, the banner system was implemented in the deanship since the year 1429, and all paper student data and records were transferred to the electronic system (banner system).