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College Vice Deanship for Female Students

The College Vice Deanship for Female Students is concerned with organizing work for the female section and managing its affairs in a manner that ensures the benefit of work and in accordance with the university’s regulations. This is done in coordination with the other vice-deanships at the college. The College Vice Deanship for Female Students also guarantee applying the highest quality standards on programs and services provided by the College of Pharmacy to all beneficiaries, This is done by supervising the work mechanisms, following -up the implementation of the national and international academic accreditations standards for the college programs. The vice deanship guides the college to the achieve the educational goals in accordance with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia vision 2030. The Vice-deanship also cares to provide all services in a safe healthy environment by providing the necessary training for college employees to develop their academic and technical skills, and providing support to improve relationship with external parties (beneficiaries).

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