The Measurement and Evaluation Unit is one of the most important units in the college as it is responsible for several main tasks through 4 committees: the Statistical Analysis Committee, the Exit Test Committee, the Program Report Preparation Committee, and the Program Performance Indicators Committee.
The unit and its committees refer their work to the Vice Dean for Female Students, and they are formed by the Dean of the College headed by a faculty member with experience in evaluation and analysis methods (Director of the Measurement and Evaluation Unit) and the membership of faculty members from both parts (male and female).
Tasks of the Unit
1. Preparing measurement tools (questionnaires - learning outcomes calculation cards - note cards) for the intended learning outcomes in the courses and the program, the program report, performance indicators according to the models approved by the Deanship of Quality.
2. Supervising the process of applying and analyzing various measurement tools through the Statistical Analysis Committee.
3. Providing advice to faculty members who prepare and use the tools and questionnaires.
4. Preparing periodic reports on the results of measuring targeted learning outcomes and using them in development processes.
5. Implementing the internal exit test in cooperation with the academic program coordinators at the college.
6. Preparing the annual program report through the Program Report Preparation Committee.
7. Measuring the values of the performance indicators for the college programs and identifying the gap with the internal and external reference points.
8. Participate in developing a college improvement plan based on KPI values and analysis results.