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Community Service

Community Service Unit

     Education, scientific research and community service are the three main functions of universities Community service means the relationship between higher education and society, and the university's contribution to meeting the current and future needs of society. Responsibility and community participation is one of the three axes of the College of Medicine's strategic plan, Hail University. Community service is the most important function because it includes education and scientific research, since they are designed and directed to the community and work to solve its problems, address its issues and provide solutions to them through conducting many research and studies and participating in local and international conferences.

       In addition to conducting research and participating with scientific chairs, the College of Medicine, University of Hail provides several community services by participating with a group of well qualified doctors in the university clinics in various specialties. It also provides, through faculty members and students of medical club, voluntary initiatives and educational and awareness-raising activities such as: campaigns either inside Hail city for various schools and malls or campaigns outside Hail to Hail Villages that need medical services The College of Medicine is also establishing community partnerships with the Ministry of Health and a number of associations and bodies to serve the Hail community medically. There is a mechanism to motivate Collage staff  to participate in community service activities.  Considering participation in community service as one of the evaluation and promotion points for faculty members and their assistants​