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Sustainable Development/ No Poverty


​   The launch of sustainable development plan with its seventeen goals came as an ambitious step aimed to eradicate poverty and living in dignity. Since the beginning of international consultations for this plan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has 
   sought to set its visions, prepare policies and develop social and development programs that contribute to the eradication of multidimensional poverty. Within the framework of the participation of Saudi universities in this national trend, the 
   University of Hail has amended its strategies, internal policies and governance to implement the first goal of the sustainable development goals, which is the eradication of poverty, through several methods including, purchasing university 
   textbooks, providing financial aid to students with low income, assisting people with special needs, offering international scholarships for students from some African countries, and providing internal education grants for different nationalities 
   such as Syrian, Palestinian, Yemeni and other nationalities, as well as providing university housing for international students and those who are unable to pay rent, on top of all of these, a monthly allowance is paid to all university students     ( These are all direct contributions from the university to eliminate poverty. Indirect elimination has also been contributed by contribution to 

   knowledge of providing degrees that help people to get jobs. The following is summary for the main initiatives by University of Hail to eradicate poverty and living in dignity:

     1. All undergraduate degrees are free for all Saudi citizens. Further, the university provides scholarships for international students from several countries, including Syria, Yemen, Palestine, as well as student from many African nations.

     2. All Saudi full-time undergraduate students receive finical aid from 850 to 1000 SR during their study if their GPA is maintained above the critical GPA (1 out of 4 or higher)

     3. The university provides free accommodations for the low-income Saudi and non-Saudi students.

     4. The University offers free books for needed students.

     5. Monshaat initiative with the University of Hail aims to support the small to medium businesses in the local region to improve their performance, consequently, improving the regional economy.

     6. Provide computers for the low-income students to support them in their study.

     7. Health services in university clinics including dental clinics are provided with no costs for the community.

     8. The University excellent facilities and equipment’s are offered free of charge for any local activities, these include theatres, libraries, research labs, computer labs, and exams rooms.